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Group judge: Hans Almgren Sweden & BIS judge: Marit Sunde, Norway. 08.01. 06: "Connor" Best of Breed out of 78, Best in Group and Best In Show at Swedich   judge: Hans Almgren (SE). Junior CH RU, CH RU Dream Come True Forussi " Pizhon" (s: Multi CH Rhapsody's The Stakes Are High, d: Junior CH PL, Beautiful   Judge Hans Almgren and Erna-Britt Nordin. Brother to CHanna's "Miss Money Penny". Norrköping 14th of August; CHanna's "Maestro" BOB Puppy Winner,  NKK Lillestrøm 25.11.

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Judge Profile. Judge Name : Mr Hans Almgren (Sweden) Judging Appointments (Australia and NZ Only) Appointments are based on shows entered in our system since 2012. Hans-Inge Almgren har tagit järnvägen till sitt hjärta. ”Allmänheten vet alldeles för lite om järnvägens betydelse för samhället. Att stötta företagen i branschen och bilda opinion är vår viktigaste uppgift!” 2019-09-02 · HYVINKÄÄ ALL BREEDS SHOW 20.7.2019 Judge Hans Almgren (SWE) Posted on September 2, 2019 by tinytrotterskennel. 0. Swedish Show Judges - contact information ALMGREN HANS.

Day, Position, Judge, Points In Show, Hans Almgren, 265 *. Best Of Breed, Hans Almgren, 0. Group 1st, Hans Almgren, 20  16th of November, Lilleström IDS, Judge Hans Almgren. index

Judges breeds in FCI-groups: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,8, 9, 10. First licensed to judge at CC-shows: .


Oskar Almgren 28 år. Olof Af Acrels Väg 5, 1212 17164 SOLNA. 070-916 58 Visa nummer.

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Judge: Hans Almgren. BOB & BIG-4 Terlianzo Billy The Kid Is Ready. BOS Texassmulans A Cinderella Story  Judge Dan Ericsson, SE Judge Eva Borg Liljeqvist, SE. 181006, SKK Int Sundsvall Geyron's Give me Five, 2:nd best male, CACIB Judge Hans Almgren, SE  2013: Junior class: Piteå National - 19 May; Quality grading: Excellent, Best junior bitch, CK, 1:a Btkl, Cert and BIM. 26 dogs registered. Judge: Hans Almgren 2 jkk. Ck Judge: Mary Glover.
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SKK Nat Stoxa 25 Aug 2019. Judge: Hans Almgren.

On the way home from Spain Chantal phoned  Judge Sunday Breed specialist Lieza Handley UK. Our home Thank you to the judge that see the quality in our breeding. Judge Hans Almgren Sweden. Stevens County District Court Judge 36430-5 - Hans Hennings, et al v. 30911-8 - In re the Marriage of Carol Marie Schneider f/k/a Almgren & Jeffrey Joseph  Terry also sat as a Small Claims Judge and taught Business Law courses at Santa Barbara City College.

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Judge: Hans Almgren, Sweden: Minos - Vejen 2011! Saturday July 2ond, 2011 - Årsta Slott and the Rhodesian Ridgeback Specialty Show BISS -11; Excellent,  RONNEBY NAT 9/10, domare Hans Almgren. Fjärde utställningen i Ålborg 2 May 2009 DKK INT, judge Harry Tast, FinlandI "Nyheter / News". Domare/judge: Hans Almgren. Nr: Unghundsklass - Very Good. ***.

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Anmäl dig till vårt nyhetsmejl Vi skickar ut mejl när vi lägger upp viktiga och intressanta nyheter för branschen. Ditt namn * Företag * Näytä niiden ihmisten profiilit, joiden nimi on Hans Almgren. Liity Facebookiin ja pidä yhteyttä käyttäjän Hans Almgren ja muiden tuttujesi kanssa.

Facebook  JSK Rasspecial, Eskilstuna, 9/7-16 Judge: Hans Almgren.