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Munktorp dating. The Dashiki and What it Represents - Ulf
Wizard: Bladesinging Bladesingers master a tradition of wizardry that incorporates swordplay and dance. Originally created by elves, this tradition has been adopted by non-elf practitioners, who honor and expand on the elven ways. The Bladesinger are a group of elegant elf wizards, embracing close fights and grouped by combat style. There’s a myriad of animal-based names for styles, thanks to the Bladesinger being one of the few Wizards capable of earning a weapon proficiency. But I'm looking at a 16 Wiz (bladesinger) / 4 Ftr (EK) for the home campaign I'm in if it gets that far.
From the title and the series, you would think that the main character would be the bladesinger, but that is only true in a sense. Bladesinger Class Wizard Spells As a Bladesinger, you gain the following class features. HIT POINTS Hit Dice: 1d8 per Bladesinger level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per bladesinger level after 1st PROFICIENCIES Armor: None Weapons: Simple Weapons Tools: None Saving Throws: Intelligence, Dexterity Created by wackobear So, Bladesinger has more mobility, slightly worse AC until mid/high levels, comparable ability score requirements (Enchanter: high Int, mid Str/Con/Wis) vs (Bladesinger: high Int, high Dex, mid Con), enhanced concentration checks while Bladesinging, and +0.5 max spell level. A bladesinger endeavors to never allow their weapon to touch the ground, as this dishonors the blade.
Magic initiate can be decent: Magic Initiate Warlock can get you Hex, Booming Blade and Mage Hand/whatever. Magic Initiate Cleric can get you Bless or Shield of Faith along with Light (since Vumans don’t get darkvision) and Guidance.
Hur interagerar den förändrade Extra Attack-funktionen i
Bladesinger Class Wizard Spells As a Bladesinger, you gain the following class features. HIT POINTS Hit Dice: 1d8 per Bladesinger level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per bladesinger level after 1st PROFICIENCIES Armor: None Weapons: Simple Weapons Tools: None Saving Throws: Intelligence, Dexterity Created by wackobear So, Bladesinger has more mobility, slightly worse AC until mid/high levels, comparable ability score requirements (Enchanter: high Int, mid Str/Con/Wis) vs (Bladesinger: high Int, high Dex, mid Con), enhanced concentration checks while Bladesinging, and +0.5 max spell level. A bladesinger endeavors to never allow their weapon to touch the ground, as this dishonors the blade. If this happens, the blade must be discarded, and a new weapon must be found.
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The only sure thing is that for such a mix, you have to get Fighter part to at least 11 levels because of three attacks + disadvantage on saving throws. Balance wise, a level 11-12 EK/Level 6-7 Bladesinger who can do 2 weapon attacks and a cantrip isn't going to be breaking the game. This is a combination that can only be reached in tier 4 by dedicating almost every character level to it. So I'd consider this unclear. Bladesinger has a better AC, more defensive spells and at higher levels effectively more hit points.
There’s a myriad of animal-based names for styles, thanks to the Bladesinger being one of the few Wizards capable of earning a weapon proficiency. But I'm looking at a 16 Wiz (bladesinger) / 4 Ftr (EK) for the home campaign I'm in if it gets that far. The 4 levels of EK help give me a bump on the spellcasting table. If you plan to multiclass in Fighter beyond 2nd level, I suggest EK because it gels with Bladesinger.
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A bladesinger endeavors to never allow their weapon to touch the ground, as this dishonors the blade. If this happens, the blade must be discarded, and a new weapon must be found.
It's tempting to go with mage armor, but I feel like that's taking the fluff train one stop too far. EKs magic is very limited, they don’t have more than 3 spell slots until level 7. Magic initiate can be decent: Magic Initiate Warlock can get you Hex, Booming Blade and Mage Hand/whatever.
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Munktorp dating. The Dashiki and What it Represents - Ulf
Training in War and Song: Proficiency in Performance may be useless, but proficiency in light armor and a one-handed melee weapon is what sets the Bladesinger apart from the other Wizard subclasses. EK 11 / Bladesinger 6 / Hexblade 3. This build can make 7 Charisma based attacks in a turn with any weapon with absolutely no resource cost.
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Fluffwise, I think you made the right choice in going EK. The other classes you mentioned might come close-ish, but EK seems like it was intended to cover that Bladesinger niche.
Munktorp dating. The Dashiki and What it Represents - Ulf
Trffa mn som r singlar i Gimo! Hitta din När Ivan hänvisar till Pikel som "mig bror", ekar Pikel alltid med "Me brudder". Taegan är en krigare, och mer specifikt en duellist och bladesinger , och förlitar Elin Landin, 0.000054%. Blade Singer, 0.000054%. Jerker Knutsson, 0.000054% Mikael Sehlan, 0.000054%. Aleksander Ek, 0.000054%.
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