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We believe that open source scientific research holds the key to a better life for all. We exist to empower the work of AXA Research Fund, Paris (Paris, France). 5,270 likes · 33 talking about this. We believe that open source scientific research holds the key to a better life for all.

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Our understanding of clinical research is the following: a Closing the gender gap in decision making to build a more sustainable society.This webinar, held in the context of the new AXA-Bocconi Research Lab on Gender AXA commits to the fight against COVID-19. In response to the current global Covid-19 crisis, AXA committed 5M€ through the AXA Research Fund to support scientific efforts to combat the pandemic and its effects. €2.2M of the total fund have been allocated to 10 innovative research projects aimed at exploring the fallout of the crisis. 2020-05-07 AXA Research Fund Supporting science to improve women’s health. Women’s health issues are too often overlooked by medicine. We’ve made bridging the gap a priority, with over €1M committed to scientific research dedicated to women’s health. AXA Research Fund, Paris (Paris, France).

We all have a growing responsibility to care for our planet and inform ourselves on what we can do to make a positive change. AXA Research Fund, Paris (Paris, France).

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AXA Research Fund en un coup d'oeil. € 250 M engagés dans la recherche.

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In serious incidents, call the University's emergency number 018‑471 25 00. Emergency checklist. Du måste logga in för att få tillgång till den här funktionen. In English · Support och hjälpsidor.

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2020-04-01 The AXA Research Fund, the science philanthropic initiative of the insurance leader AXA, supports global fundamental research to understand and better prevent environmental, human life and socio-economic risks. Since 2007, €179M have been committed to support 563 research projects, carried out in 35 countries by researchers of 58 nationalities. Please note that academic institutions only need to register once and need to identify an Operational Contact as single point of contact for the AXA Research Fund within the Institution in charge of monitoring global relationship with the AXA Research Fund and ensuring optimal quality and consistency of submitted proposals.

1 Oct 2020 The seventh edition of AXA's annual Future Risks Report is dominated research firm Ipsos and the political risk consultancy Eurasia Group. The CFA Institute Asia-Pacific Research Exchange (ARX) is a research hub that brings together like-minded stakeholders in the finance and investment  We offer customized risk management solutions and consulting services to identify and understand myriad risks– existing and emerging – to help you avoid   Introducing the ActiveX Ardea Real Outcome Bond Fund (Managed Fund) (ASX: XARO).
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5,265 likes · 8 talking about this. We believe that open source scientific research holds the key to a better life for all. We exist to empower the work of The AXA Research Fund & National Geographic are exploring the hazards faced by urban areas and the ways in which we are working to minimise their impact and make the world’s cities safer. 1,009 Followers, 665 Following, 120 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from AXA Research Fund (@axaresearchfund) Closing the gender gap in decision making to build a more sustainable society.This webinar, held in the context of the new AXA-Bocconi Research Lab on Gender AXA Research Fund, Paris (Paris, France).

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KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS. KAISER EQ ADVISORS TRUST-AXA TACTICAL MANAGER INTERNATIONAL. PORTFOL. AXA Achievement Scholarship erbjuder mer än 1.4 miljoner dollar i stipendier för  samtliga Aging Research Center, Karolinska institutet, Stockholm, och Datainsamlingen finansierades av AXA Research Fund och analysen  BILBAO VIZCAYA ARGENTARIA Citibank N.A. AXA Corporate Solutions S.A. Niederlassung Alter Domus Alternative Asset Fund Administration Sàrl European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport.

We believe that open source scientific research holds the key to a better life for all.