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Or does it explode? Essential Questions: 1. What rights do we all deserve? 2.
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This is the first use of a declarative statement, or non-question, in the poem. The tone shifts from questioning to flat, which Or fester1 like a sore —. And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over — like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Maybe it just sags.
Well sometimes it sags like a heavy load, and explodes, and sometimes it scars like degrees and burns. And Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?" Lorraine Hansberry inspirerade Maybe it just sags. like a heavy load.
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Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.
The singer in "The Weary Blues" "sags" under the pressure of performing. 2012-02-27 · Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode? Standard. Filed under: Musings — Leave a comment.
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If you’re carrying a heavy load, you might physically fall closer to the ground as your legs collapse a bit, and you might feel tired. Imagine carrying that heavy load, and you’ll feel what it feels like to “sag.”
Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.
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Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode? think icon.
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2021-3-15 · The line “sags like a heavy load” that song relates to the overall feeling because the song lyrics reflect a heavy load from the singer. The song starts with the line “What happens to a dream deferred?” The songwriter tries to answer the question in the next lines. Finally, at the end of the song, he adds “maybe it just sags like a 2018-10-8 · Maybe it just sags. like a heavy load. Or does it explode? Or maybe the burden of the unfulfilled dream remains in the hearts of the millions who have lost their dreams.
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10 like a heavy load. 11 Or does it explode? Sags like a heavy load. Use “heavy load” to help you with “sag.” Something heavy can sag, or droop down. If you’re carrying a heavy load, you might physically fall closer to the ground as your legs collapse a bit, and you might feel tired. Imagine carrying that heavy load, and you’ll feel what it feels like to “sag.” In this poem the lines “Maybe it just sags/ like a heavy load.”. Creates a visual of being overwhelmed by a deferred dream.
think icon. What kind of rhyme is used in this poem? What is the rhyme scheme? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Langston Hughes Dream Deferred. Or does it explode? While over Alabama earth These words are gently spoken: Serve 22 Apr 2019 Does it stink like rotten meat?