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Stena Line Se - Chat Plaza Collection
lindebrielle. 2. STENA BRITANNICA. 2008-08-04 04:17. 4. STENA BRITANNICA.
STENA BRITANNICA current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database. The data is for informational purposes only and VesselFinder is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of STENA BRITANNICA data. Vessel STENA BRITANNICA is a Ro-Ro/Passenger Ship, Registered in United Kingdom. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of STENA BRITANNICA including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9419175, MMSI 235080274, Call Sign 2DMO6 Hytter ombord på Stena Britannica som trafikerar linjen Hook van Holland-Holyhead M/S STENA BRITANNICA II. Byggd 2003 av Hyundai Heavy Industries, Sydkorea . Varvsnummer. 1392.
March 2021 ┃Stena Line ferry In our Stena Plus Lounge you'll be able to relax and enjoy the smooth crossing in spacious and comfortable surroundings. Indulge in our wide selection of snacks and beverages as you catch up on the latest news with a choice of daily newspapers - all with our compliments.
Stena Scandinavica - Fakta om fartyg - Färja till Tyskland
Stena Britannica och Stena Genom att installera scrubbers har Stena Line. inte bara minskat sina Stena Line | 52 817 följare på LinkedIn. One of the world's largest ferry transportation operators connecting Europe for a sustainable future.
Märkligt tyst om protester – Helagotland
29 Jun 2016 The union said that Sweden-based ferry operator Stena Line has already warned members that it may flag out its roughly 30 UK-registered 11 Aug 2018 Name.
"Stena Britannica (Harwich - Hook van Holland)" Flot færge - og meget tilfreds. Eneste ulempe: vi havde købt sæde i stilleområdet hvor børn under 8 år ikke er tilladt (ifølge bekræftelsen i hvert fald) - bl.a. fordi vi ville forsøge at sove/hvile inden vi skulle køre ret langt efterfølgende. Vessel STENA BRITANNICA (IMO: 9419175, MMSI: 235080274) is a Passenger/ Ro-Ro Cargo Ship built in 2010 and currently sailing under the flag of United
The Stena Hollandica one of the two largest Super ferries in the world and sister ship to the Stena Britannica, was launched on 16th May 2010, sails on the
VESSEL TYPE: Ferries and RoPax; Vessel name: Stena Britannica This vessel was built for Stena by Hyundai Heavy Industries, Korea, in 2003. KNUD E.
22 Dec 2020 Stena Line is an important part of the European logistics network and develops new intermodal freight solutions by combining transport by rail,
Details for the ship Stena Britannica , IMO 9419175, Passenger ship, Position Netherlands with current real time AIS position and ship photos by
Get the latest live position for the STENA BRITANNICA. You can also check the schedule, technical details and many more.
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9 votes. Schiedam NL. 2020-01-12 15:09. RENE HENRI ROSSEEL.
The vessel's current speed is 13.7 Knots and is heading at the port of HARWICH.The estimated time of arrival as calculated by MyShipTracking vessel tracking app is 2021-04-06 03:43 LT . The vessel STENA BRITANNICA (IMO: 9419175, MMSI
Stena Britannica Relax in comfort on-board the luxurious Stena Britannica, the most direct ferry from Harwich to the Hook of Holland. Onboard Stena Britannica you'll experience a comfortable and relaxed crossing to the UK Your holiday starts as soon as you arrive onboard with an excellent range of facilities to keep both young and old entertained while onboard.
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The company is family-owned, was founded in 1962 and is headquartered in Gothenburg. Stena Line is part of the Stena AB Group, which has about 15 700 employees and an annual turnover of around 37 billion SEK. Stena Britannica. 29 likes · 121 were here.
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Worlds Largest Ferry - Stena Britannica. Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info.
Stena Line - Wikiwand
230. Gross tonnage (t) 62000 Photo of STENA BRITANNICA (Cargo and passenger, IMO: 9419175, MMSI: 235080274, Callsign: 2DMO6, Flag: United Kingdom, Photo-ID: 2092869) taken by AJLship. Taken on Project - Stena Britannica & Hollandica, PPG paint application, Marine ship deck coatings, Car Deck Painting, Car Deck coatings, Protective Paints, Marine Painting applications, Drawing: Stena Line M/F Stena Britannica II Photo: Alex Blok (Maasvlakte) M/F Stena Britannica Photo: John.v.d.Linden (Harwich) M/F Stena Britannica Photo: Hans Henning Barwich (Cuxhaven, April 2004) M/F Stena Britannica Photo: Bert Pellegrom (Hoek van Holland 26/8-2005) M/F Stena Britannica Photo: Marco de Koster (Hoek Van Holland 25/3-2007) M/F Stena Britannica History: launched April 24, 2010 as STENA BRITANNICA III, completed September 29, 2010 and delivered as STENA BRITANNICA, variously owned and managed by Stena Ro Ro AB, Gothenburg, Sweden, Stena Line Ltd, Holyhead, United Kingdom, Stena Line BV, Hoek van Holland, Netherlands and Stena Ropax Ltd, Holyhead, United Kingdom (flag: United Kingdom Cabins onboard Stena Britannica. All our cabins onboard Stena Britannica are beautifully appointed with new, high quality mattresses and en suite facilities. Available on day and night crossings they offer the utmost comfort. See cabin types and descriptions below. Day Sailings.
5.0. 9 votes. Schiedam NL. 2020-01-12 15:09. RENE HENRI ROSSEEL.