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Monitor citations to your favorite articles. Set up citation alerts for each publication you'd like to track, and receive email notifications right in your Web of science/Journal Citation reports på ISI Web of knowledge; Scopus; Art&Humanities Citation Index; Science Citation Index Expanded; Se även. h-index; Källor. Lars Våge, Hercules Dalianis, Lars Iselid, Informationssökning på Internet, Studentlitteratur 2008 2:a uppl, ISBN 978-91-44-05369-1 Searching Web of Science databases You can choose to search across all Web of Science databases, with limited functionality. To make use of the specific features of each resource you should go directly to that resource by clicking on the arrow and selecting it from the drop-down menu. Stay current with the latest news, tips and resources, and product updates from Web of Science Group - including real stories, insights, and inspiration from around the world.

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Including support for educators,  27 Nov 2019 Uma análise recente da cobertura de indexação das bases de dados Google Acadêmico, Web of Science e Scopus mostra que valores mais  Multidisciplinary database with citation indexes covering sciences, social sciences, medicine, technology and arts & humanities. Access: KI only. Ask a question. Web of Science Core Collection: Citation Indexes · Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED) --1900-present · Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) --  Web of Science - Ingen beskrivning. mellan artiklarna. Innehåller: Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index. I databasen Web of Science indexeras fackgranskade internationella tidskrifter inom naturvetenskap, samhällsvetenskap och humaniora.

Next, name your search and add an optional description. If you want to get email alerts when something new is published on your topic, click in the Send Me Email Alerts box. 2021-04-06 · Web of Science contains authoritative, scholarly multidisciplinary content in the Sciences (1900+), Social/ Behavioral Science (1900+), and Arts & Humanities (1956+).

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Men diskussionen styrs av ensidiga bilder av vad  Här visar vi hur du kan söka artiklar i Web of science och titta på hur många citeringar den har fått. En film För att förbättra sökupplevelsen för Web of Science har Clarivate Analytics förvärvat en start som heter Kopernio.