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Research methodology will be reviewed and finally Keywords: BIM, Contractor,ySub-contractor, Iceland Abstract In the last decade, BIM has provided the construction industry with countless tools that can be used during all construction phases (Kam et al., 2016). Implementation of BIM in Iceland at the beginning was driven b the heroic’s individuals. In recent years leadership within the In recent years leadership within theAEC has recognized the opportunities BIM can provide.The aim of this thesis is to map BIM maturity of contractors and sub-contractors in Iceland.The results found that there is a lack of awareness about BIM among small to medium sizedcontractors as well as among sub-contractors. BIM guide is a nonbinding recommendation; it is no mandatory directive to execute construction projects - using BIM; 7) Iceland: The Implementation of BIM in Iceland is led by Framkvæmdarsýslu Ríkisins (FSR) a governmen-tal organization. There are already some relevant documents related with BIM implementation. The Icelan- BIM Africa Initiative is a not-profit organization formed to enable and regulate the adoption and implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry across Africa. Five Reasons Why StreamBIM was the Right BIM Software for the new Terminal at Oslo Airport .

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