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Table 47 - Country Codes List. Code. Country Name. US. United States. CA. Canada Country and region codes To specify PayPal-supported countries and regions in request URI and body parameters, use two-character IS0-3166-1 country codes.

DHL - Global Service Point Locator Luxembourg (country code +352) Communication of 18.IV.2018: The Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation (ILR), Luxembourg, announces the following updates to national numbering plan in Luxembourg related to machine-to-machine (M2M) numbers.

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ISO-numeric (442), E.164 recommandation (352) and top-level-domain (.lu) are also known codes for Luxembourg. Luxembourg Country and Area Codes Hide Country code guide are providing you a detailed information on country & area codes in Luxembourg, you find that most people have a series of two digits from their phone number in LU (for example, +352). Worldwide distribution of country calling codes.

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Look it up on Wikipedia! DTA Manual, Appendix N: Country Codes 03/08/21 6 This document is maintained on the Printed copies may be obsolete. Country Codes Code Name DZ ISO Alpha-2, Alpha-3, and Numeric Country Codes. The ISO country codes are internationally recognized codes that designate every country and most of the dependent areas a two-letter combination or a three-letter combination; it is like an acronym, that stands for a country or a state.
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LU, Luxembourg. LV, Latvia. LY, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ZZ, Unknown or unspecified country. GNU gettext utilities: Country Codes.

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.lu: (stands for Macao) Macedonia, (stands for Македонија or, in the Latin alphabet, Makedonija) Marshall Martinique (French overseas department).mq: Mayotte (French overseas department).yt: COUNTRY COUNTRY CODE ISO CODES Afghanistan: 93: AF / AFG: Albania: 355: AL / ALB: Algeria: 213: DZ / DZA: American Samoa: 1-684: AS / ASM: Andorra: 376: AD / AND: Angola: 244: AO / AGO: Anguilla: 1-264: AI / AIA: Antarctica: 672: AQ / ATA: Antigua and Barbuda: 1-268: AG / ATG: Argentina: 54: AR / ARG: Armenia: 374: AM / ARM: Aruba: 297: AW / ABW geo code: pplc : country code: lu : admin1 code: 03 : admin2 code: 04 : population: 76684 : gtopo30: 316 : timezone: europe/luxembourg Instantly get the Luxembourg country code and Luxembourg area codes to help you make your international call to Luxembourg. Our complete resource of area & country codes will help you make your call to Luxembourg City and other Luxembourg cities. The country code for Luxembourg is LU. The IBAN check digits 28 validate the routing destination and account number combination in this IBAN. The BBAN is 0019 4006 4475 0000, which contains the country-specific details of the account number. Country Names, ISO Country Codes, 2 Letter Country Codes, Country Abbreviations. Country Codes.


A description of each code is given below: FIPS 10-4: American National Standard Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty for Information Interchange. Country code location. The country code +352 indicates that the phone number you are about to dial is to Luxembourg in Europe.Before you call to Luxembourg you should be aware of that they speak Luxembourgish (official administrative language and national language (spoken vernacular)), French (official administrative language), German (official administrative language). LU .

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