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Learn how viruses work and how to protect against them.

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Stay protected with ESET software. 2014-04-23 Virus programs that patch programs with security defects that are exploited by malicious computer viruses also exist. Antivirus programs and hardware have been developed to combat malware. These search for evidence of a malware program (by checking for appearances or behavior that are characteristic of viruses, trojans, and the like), isolate infected files, and remove malware from a … Synonyms for Virus program in Free Thesaurus.
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Norton subscribers can also contact Member Services & Support if you think you have a virus or malware. The earliest widely known form of malware was the computer virus, the name for a program that infects other programs with its code, and replicates when the infected program runs. Many early Avast Free Antivirus is the best free antivirus program we tested because it has comparable performance to even the best paid antivirus programs, despite the lack of cost. Other companies that offer a free antivirus solution include Avira and AVG.

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