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It was later fully reconstructed and opened on 1 February 1963. In 1966, the venue hosted a boxing match between Kim Ki-soo and Nino Benvenuti, where Kim became the first South Korean to win boxing world championship. During the 1970s, the venue hosted the presidential elections and inaugurations of Park Chung-hee and Choi Kyu … 2021-01-25 SALONG SAXCESS Västerviks gymnasium - Frisörutbildningen Just nu finns det inga kundpass utlagda, på grund av distansundervisning och Covid-19. Östersjövägen 6, 0490-25 42 65 Hantverk-frisör kundpass Model: GY-25; Power supply: 3-5v (internal low dropout regulator) Communication: serial communication (baud 9600,115200), IIC communication; Module Dimensions: 15.5mm x 11.5mm; 2.54mm pitch; Direct Data: YAW ROLL PITCH; Heading angle (YAW) ± 180° Roll angle (ROLL) ± 180° The pitch angle (PITCH) ± 180° 0.01° angular resolution Model: GY-25; Power supply: 3-5v (internal low dropout regulator) Communication: serial communication (baud 9600,115200), IIC communication; Module Dimensions: 15.5mm x 11.5mm 2.54mm pitch; Direct Data: YAW ROLL PITCH; Heading angle (YAW) ± 180° Roll angle (ROLL) ± 180° The pitch angle (PITCH) ± 180° 0.01° angular resolution GY QSSPA1.13 4 Version 1.0 | 2019-07-25 Characteristics I F = 350 mA; T J = 25 °C Parameter Symbol Values Viewing angle at 50% I V 2φ typ.
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