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senator hid from Americans his support for same-sex marriage, but he did so at the guidance of his former political adviser, David Axelrod. And, it is Axelrod who is exposing Obama’s flip-flop on the very politicized issue in a new book, “Believer: My Forty Years In Politics.” Posts Tagged ‘Axelrod A government auto task force deadlocked on whether to save the company in 2009, with the tie broken by President Barack Obama. Axelrod likes to tap into Obama's compelling life story and compose a narrative script that is carried through the whole campaign. His particular talent, though, De senaste tweetarna från @davidaxelrod 2015-02-14 · During his 2004 run for U.S. Senate, Barack Obama wondered if the campaign slogan "Yes We Can" was too corny. According to David Axelrod, Obama's media consultant at the time, it took Michelle Obama to convince the then-Illinois state senator that it wasn't.

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The Auburn Hills, Mich., company made a net profit of $473 million, its best quarter in 13 years, mainly on the back of strong U.S. sales. Axelrod's elaborate use of the Internet helped Obama to organize under-30 voters and build over 475,000 donors in 2007, most of whom were Internet donors contributing less than $100 each. The Obama strategy stood in contrast to Hillary Clinton's campaign, which benefited from high name recognition, large donors and strong support among established Democratic leaders. President Obama must address the American public in order for his proposed military action in Syria to be successful, said David Axelrod, hinting at a possible upcoming speech from the president 2015-02-11 · David Axelrod, President Barack Obama's former top political adviser, said the President appears to be having "the time of his life right now" as he's enjoying his new-found freedom without the David M. Axelrod, född 22 februari 1955 i stadsdelen Lower East Side i New York, är en amerikansk politisk rådgivare och politisk analytiker som tidigare varit politisk journalist. [ 1 ] Han var ledande strateg och medierådgivare under Barack Obamas presidentkampanjer år 2008 och 2012 .

Six in 10 Americans oppose unilateral missile strikes. The disillusionment of Obama’s guru. Among the many distinctions David Axelrod has achieved in his career, there is one that requires special elaboration: He is, it turns out, one of the few 2015-02-10 2016-12-26 2015-02-10 2015-02-10 2015-02-10 Obama was “unsmiling during the call, and slightly irritated when it was over,” according to Axelrod.

Ep. 108 - President Barack Obama - The Axe Files with David

Author, Believer: My Forty Years in  He is best known for being the chief strategist for Barack Obama's presidential campaigns. After  10 Oct 2018 chief strategist and senior advisor to President Barack Obama. Axelrod currently serves as the founding director of the University of Chicago's  8 Sep 2016 As Chief Strategist for President Obama's campaigns in 2008 and 2012, Axelrod helped define presidential campaigning in the digital era. He  In 2007, Barack Obama's campaign team sent him a memo, which hasn't been published in full until now, laying out a plan to defeat Clinton.

The Obama Years: The Power of Words - Prime Video

a stout defense--indeed, the best I have read--of the Obama years. av K Elf · 2010 — Vice presidenten Joe Biden nämns vid namn liksom kampanjledaren David Pluffe och chefsstrategen David Axelrod. Barack Obama tackar sin familj. Nationens  to study on the debate stage would be President Barack Obama.

Axelrod obama

Axelrod currently serves as the founding director of the University of Chicago's  8 Sep 2016 As Chief Strategist for President Obama's campaigns in 2008 and 2012, Axelrod helped define presidential campaigning in the digital era. He  In 2007, Barack Obama's campaign team sent him a memo, which hasn't been published in full until now, laying out a plan to defeat Clinton.
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One of Barack Obama's chief spokesmen repeated on Sunday that it would be counterproductive for the president-elect to weigh too deeply into the crisis between Israel and Hamas while another commander-in … 2016-01-06 President Obama must address the American public in order for his proposed military action in Syria to be successful, said David Axelrod, hinting at a possible upcoming speech from the president 2015-02-11 2021-03-30 From David Axelrod's appearance on Fox Chicago Sunday.

Axelrod has now claimed that he had been wrong in what he said. Also, today Obama “called on […] by Gov. Blagojevich: Another political scandal « Straight Talk December 11, 2008 at 9:14 pm David Axelrod served as senior advisor to President Barack Obama, senior advisor to the Obama-Biden Presidential Transition, senior strategist to Barack Obama's historic campaign for the presidency in 2008 and his 2012 re-election campaign. Axelrod served as Senior Strategist to President Obama's successful 2012 re- election campaign. He served in that same role in then-Senator Obama's 2008  David Axelrod is a preeminent American political strategist and commentator and the former chief strategist and senior advisor to President Barack Obama.
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“Honestly, that was like the Gettysburg Address compared to what we saw last night,” he added. Several times I’ve written for The American Spectator on the person of David Axelrod, the figure most responsible for giving America two terms of Barack Obama. My first piece was a cover feature for the March 2012 print edition, titled, “David Axelrod, Lefty Lumberjack.”This lengthy profile was followed by an August 2012 piece titled, “All in the (Political) Family.” 2008-07-27 Axelrod, who served as chief strategist for Obama's 2008 and 2012 campaigns, tweeted that Biden was "claiming co-authorship of Obama’s record" in a way that was "about as subtle as a screen door De senaste tweetarna från @davidaxelrod Posts about Axelrod written by Chipsticks.

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Obama diskuterade med allierade – Utrikes – svenska.yle.fi

Former Obama aide and Democratic strategist David Axelrod is praising Sen. Elizabeth Warren's presidential campaign, touting the Massachusetts Democrat as an emerging "Yes We Can" candidate for 2020.

Axelrod och Gibbs till Team Obama SVT Nyheter

David Axelrod: “Obama Identifies with the Jewish Community” Share: Twitter; Facebook; E-mail; January 6, 2016. by. Jason M. Breslow. The president was staring off into space, remembers David The disillusionment of Obama’s guru. Among the many distinctions David Axelrod has achieved in his career, there is one that requires special elaboration: He is, it turns out, one of the few 2010-07-13 · Other than Obama, it's these representatives and senators who are paying the heaviest price for Axelrod's sales failures, and many of them are at heightened risk of losing their seats because of 2020-05-04 · David Axelrod and David Plouffe, enjoy the view from a cherry picker as President Barack Obama makes a campaign stop at Living History Farms in Urbandale, Iowa, on Saturday, September 1, 2012.

I sitt tacktal lyfte Barack Obama fram de två personer i kampanjen som mer än några andra bidrog till segern: David Plouffe och David Axelrod.