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ICTS On Main. Strand campus. AUT - City Campus. Community College of Philadelphia. NTNU, UiB & Innovation Norway - Tokyo. MazeMap | Terms MazeMap Added to Cisco GPL. MazeMap and Cisco’s partnership goes back to 2014, when MazeMap became Cisco’s preferred solution partner.

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Your maps - your data! With the Hybrid Workplace in Mind, Cisco Webex and MazeMap Are Using Market Leading WiFi Technology To Aid Post Pandemic Planning TRONDHEIM,   15 Feb 2021 MazeMap and Cisco Webex aim to deliver market leading WiFi technology with resource finding and booking tools - key solutions for safe  MazeMap & Cisco MazeMap is a leading provider for indoor maps and navigation services designed for large building complexes such as universities, hospitals,  4 Jun 2020 DNA Spaces. Specialist Cisco. DNA. Spaces. What's happening at your properties. On insights Stanley. Mazemap.

The Power of Partnership: Telenor and MazeMap An ISV, a reseller, and Cisco solved the University of Norway’s wayfinding problems with a real-time navigation solution for their expansive campus.

MazeMap LinkedIn

Over the years, our partnership has continued to grow, with MazeMap developing strong solutions with Cisco Webex and Cisco DNA Spaces. MazeMap Added to Cisco GPL MazeMap and Cisco’s partnership goes back to 2014, when MazeMap became Cisco’s preferred solution partner. Over the years, our partnership has continued to grow, with MazeMap developing strong solutions with Cisco Webex and Cisco DNA Spaces.

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Posisjonering innendørs er basert på wifi og Bluetooth med stier definert på plantegninger,  Cisco - Tokyo Office. Daniel Onboarding Campus. 30 Collins St. UON – Gosford Hospital - Gosford Hospital. NTNU - Nyhavna. Office.

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To enhance the position and wayfinding experience, MazeMap integrates with Cisco WiFi infrastructure and use trilateration to find a more accurate position (3-10 meters). To increase the accuracy even further, it is possible to add positioning by Bluetooth Beacons or other positioning sources (~2 meters). Cisco Announces Intent to Acquire July Systems .
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CISCO. Campus Safety in  Simple script to call indoor positioning system at NTNU. For lab and research use . Cisco Webex and MazeMap Help Employees Prepare for Safe Return to the Office Cisco Partners Miradot and Presidio share details about their experience earning DevNet Specialization recognition. Respectively, they share insight on how specializations have been beneficial to their business with direct results stemming from increased opportunities that help close deals and ultimately drive successful business outcomes for their customers.
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AUT - City Campus. Community College of Philadelphia.

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White Image MazeMap And Cisco Lead The Way - Cisco Blogs. image. Image Indoor Maps And Wayfinding MazeMap. image. Image 4 Ways MazeMap Helps To Create Efficient Buildings.

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Daniel Onboarding Campus. UON – Gosford Hospital - Gosford Hospital. NTNU - Nyhavna.

Daniel Onboarding Campus. UON – Gosford Hospital - Gosford Hospital. NTNU - Nyhavna.