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100 / 90 / 0/0. RGB. 232 / 31 / 118. #E81F76. RGB. 18 / 38 / 170. #1226AA. PANTONE.
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In the RGB color model #1d57a5 is comprised of 11.37% red, 34.12% green and 64.71% blue. In the HSL color space #1d57a5 has a hue of 214° (degrees), 70% saturation and 38% lightness. Pantone / PMS 213 / #e6086e Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #e6086e is a shade of pink.
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In the RGB color model #e31c79 is comprised of 89.02% red, 10.98% green and 47.45% blue. For the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides we use the M1 lighting standard to align with industry standards for process printing. For the PANTONE Color Finder we use the M2 lighting standard to align with commonly used design software like Adobe Photoshop.
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*Pantone has provided a color reference for each thread color, when possible, which represents the closest available PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® Color viewing the colors under daylight (6500 °K). Color appearance will vary based on lighting conditions and angle of view. PANTONE® and other Pantone trademarks are the property of Pantone LLC. 在线查询PANTONE FORMULA GUIDE Solid Coated专色铜版的全部颜色,输入颜色色号或者点击每个专色,可以全屏查看,以及颜色的具体信息 Pantone Plastic Large Chip 213C Large-size 3in x 1-7/8in polypropylene chip standards are now available to match your favorite Pantone PLUS Series and Pantone Fashion + Home Color. Some colors may need to be special ordered. baiki Universalband - hält dein Zeug an deinem Fahrrad - egal ob Flasche, Werkzeug, Handy oder Regenjacke - baiki hält alles. Jetzt entdecken! Color space information #ff9e1b | Pantone 1375 C. Similar Pantone Color name Information, Color Schemes, Light / Darkshades, Tones, Similar Colors , Preview the color and download Photoshop swatch and solid color background image 国际标准色号pantone 2135 c,千通彩色库免费为色彩爱好者查询色号 Aug 21, 2020 - Color and Textile Trends 2019 , 2020 , 2021 , 2022 and 2023 for Designers and Product Developers • Spring • Summer • Autumn • Winter • Twice Pantone 213C M98, Y24. SECO Gray.
Interior and exterior house paints usually ship out the same or next day, while custom spray paint could take a few days. High Gloss Pantone Color Card. Usage statement: *The following color plates are for reference only. PANTONE 213C.
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Learn more about Light Reflectance Values and using RGB and Hex codes for paint. Pantone / PMS 2133 C / #1d57a5 Hex Color Code.
Pantone 213C will be colour matched, manufactured and delivered free to your facility in four days. The minimum order quantity for this fast track sma.. from £9.95 kg
The RAL Design Plus colour system has a huge 1825 different colours. We'e made the swatches available for Illustrator and Photoshop, and also the colour charts to make it easy for you to convert the RAL colours to the closest Pantone, RGB, CMYK & HSL values.
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Im RGB-Farbmodell enthält #e31c79 89.02% Rot, 10.98% Grün und 47.45% Blau. Im HSL-Farbraum hat #e31c79 einen Farbtonwinkel von 332° (Grad), 78% Sättigung und 50% Helligkeit.
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#195. Ultra Rose. Quartz. Pantone 7432C. Hex: #B55C80. Uncoated: C17 M56 Y19 K3. Coated: C0 M92 Y18 K0. R227 G28 B121.
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Hex color #2133c0 to RGB, Pantone, RAL, HSL and HSB formats.
vilka dejtingsidor är bra för Bakgrund – Pantone 547. skicka sms efter första dejten Symbolik – Pantone 534 C (marinblå) och Silver Rosa, Pantone 213C. med Telefonnummer Filnamn: OP_tel_logo_PMS.ai Färgrymd: Pantone PMS: För mer information & referenser besök www.ecoloo.eu Rider 213C VI ET - Roosa (Pantone 213C) ja pruun (Pantone 4695C). EL - Ροζ (Pantone 213 C) και καφετί (Pantone 4695 C). EN - Pink (Pantone 213C) and brown (Pantone BG - Роза (Pantone 213C) и кафяв (Pantone 4695C) ES - Rosa (Pantone 213C) y Marrón (Pantone 4695C) CS - Růžová (Pantone 213C) a hnědá (Pantone For the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides we use the M1 lighting standard to align with industry standards for process printing. For the PANTONE Color Finder we use the M2 lighting standard to align with commonly used design software like Adobe Photoshop. PANTONE 213 C is available in the following Pantone products: Description and conversion results of color Pantone 213 C It is a neon rose color having an approximate luminance of 49 %. It has a hue value of 330° indicating that this is a warm color.